DAO Token’s 10-Day Hyperdrive

H. S.
2 min readJun 23, 2021


Hyperdrive campaign begins Thursday, June 24 and will last for 10 days.

DAO Maker conducted its last growth campaign in Q1 of 2021.

When the campaign began, the DAO token had a market cap of $70M. Once the campaign was completed, the market cap was $140M.

Campaign 1 focused on the growth of the DAO token’s liquidity and accessibility. After that, we shifted focus to our product.

In Q2, we worked on establishing the DAO Pad as the most dominant token launchpad in the industry. As part of the process, we have achieved for our ecosystem projects:

A. Volume

Relationship with a vast number of exchanges, enabling projects supported by us to tap into immediate volume

B. Technological Resources

Development of technological support via white label farms, bridges, cost-efficient distribution, multi-chain distribution, white label escrow, and token value-boosters such as the claim-burn mechanism

C. Ecosystem Creation

Access to most of the major layer-1 teams, founders of key DeFi projects, and integrations with projects focusing on similar markets

Now, in Q3, we are conducting our second growth campaign.

Growth Campaign №2

While the previous campaign lasted 35 days, this one is only 10 days yet is even more ambitious. Hence, it’s a hyperdrive campaign in which we look to both announce and showcase significant expansions of the DAO token and its associated ecosystem.

The new campaign focuses on evolving the DAO token to a top asset and a token of an entire ecosystem, and not just one product. This is going beyond our original roadmap, where it had a utility primarily linked to different forms of sales access.

What does this mean?

The DAO token roadmap so far mainly defines the asset to benefit from giving holders rights to access things, and SHOs are a primary example. The roadmap includes access to other forms of sales.

As part of this campaign, the DAO ecosystem is about to expand product lines and the DAO token will grow from primarily being an access token to also an asset that earns significant rate and be a token at the heart of an ecosystem of different products.

Chain Expansion

This campaign will also have a significant focus on making existing and coming products have multi-chain presence.

Stay Tuned

Twitter: twitter.com/thedaomaker

Telegram: t.me/daomaker_ann

